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Bookplate of Ernst Jonah Ehrentreu


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Bookplate of Ernst Jonah Ehrentreu


Ehrentreu, Ernst Jonah, 1896-1981


This is the bookplate of Ernst Jonah (also Yonah ben Hanokh ha-Kohen) Ehrentreu, a German rabbi and teacher.

Ehrentreu was born in Munich in 1896 to Rabbi Hanokh (Heinrich Chanoch) Ehrentreu and Ida Jettel Ehrentreu. There he began his studies, and then in 1920 went on to Berlin to study at the rabbinical seminary and university simultaneously. After his ordination, he became the rabbi at the Etz Chaim Synagogue in Berlin.

He briefly lived in Konigsberg, and then returned to his native Munich to become the deputy rabbi and director of the Talmud Torah school there. From 1922-1925, he was rabbi in Pressburg and in 1925 he became his father's deputy in Munich. From 1925-1926, Ehrentreu taught psychology and pedagogy in Rebow, Poland.

Shortly after his marriage to Jenny Fanny Heckscher in 1926, his father died and Ehrentreu returned to Munich to assume his father's post as rabbi there. He was the victim of persecutions well before the rise of the Nazi regime and was later arrested on Kristallnacht while trying to save Torah scrolls at the local synagogue. He was sent to Dachau Concentration Camp, but was released and fled to England in 1939.

In May of 1940, Ehrentreu was forced to leave his family after being interned on the Isle of Man as an enemy alien. He was later sent to Australia where he remained until 1946. After returning to England, Ehrentreu settled with his family in London and cofounded the Bridge Lane Bet HaMidrash (a Jewish school). He died November 11, 1981 in London.

Ehrentreu's bookplate says "From the book collection of Yonah (Hebrew for Jonah) Ehrentreu son of Rabbi Hanokh ha-Kohen Ehrentreu." In the middle of the bookplate is an illustration of an elder Rabbi studying Torah with three students. Encircling the illustration is a phrase from Psalms which states "O How I love Thy Law! It is my meditation all the day."


Wa'el, Ephraim


Digital Image: Washington University in Saint Louis











Wa'el, Ephraim, “Bookplate of Ernst Jonah Ehrentreu,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 22, 2024,