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List of Planet Markers on Horoscope Board

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List of Planet Markers on Horoscope Board


Published joined with WU.inventory.221 as number 73 in P.WashU.II;
1 papyrus fragment 10.2 x 14;;
Scope note: This text describes the use of markers to indicate the positions of planets on a board prepared for casting horoscopes. The descrip ;
Imaging and cataloging sponsored through APIS III, an NEH funded project.

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PW 73 – Inv 181+221
. . . a voice comes to you speaking. Let the stars be set upon the board (as they are) by
nature except for the sun and the moon. And let the sun be golden, the moon silver,
Saturn of obsidian, Mars of reddish onyx, Venus lapislazuli with gold flecks, Mercury
turquoise; let Juppiter be crystalline; and the horoscope, (as it is) by (nature?) . . . let it lie




“List of Planet Markers on Horoscope Board,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 4, 2024,

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