
Browse Items (43 total)

Henry Hampton, filmmaker and producer, editing film on a Steenbeck 16mm editing table.

Policeman with rifle in riot vehicle in Jackson, MS.

FBI missing poster showing the images of Andrew Goodman, James Earl Chaney, and Michael Henry Schwerner. Text on the poster is as follows: "The FBI is seeking information concerning the disappearance at Philadelphia, Mississippi, of these three…

Fannie Lou Hamer testifies at Democratic National Convention Credentials Committee, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1964.

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegates holding hands in a circle (praying) at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City.

Medgar Evers, NAACP field secretary, and Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP, are arrested for protesting beatings and arrests of civil rights demonstrators in Jackson, Mississippi. The two men are surrounded by white police officers. A…

Crowds of people standing and sitting at tables during voter registration in Canton, Mississippi.
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division (16543 U9-14512 #26 MB)

A voter marks the ballot of the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)’s Freedom Vote, a mock election, held to protest mass disenfranchisement of black citizens in Mississippi.

Two African-American girls look out the window of a "Freedom School." The girl at left wears a hat and smiles. The girl at right has a name tag that reads [Illegible] Hall Pascag-," possibly Pascagoula, Mississippi. The "Freedom Schools" were set up…

Lyndon B. Johnson greets Martin Luther King, Jr. in the U.S. Capitol, after signing the Voting Rights Act, August 6, 1965. Group also includes Patricia Harris, Ralph Abernathy, and Clarence M. Mitchell.
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