
Browse Items (45 total)

Crucifixion. As usual, Mary and the disciple John stand in mourning. This illumination is full of narration; the centurion Longinus holds a scroll with his words upon it: vere Dei Filius erat iste “truly this was the Son of God.” Another figure…


Penitential Psalms. An interior depiction of David, who appears with a devotional book and his harp.

O Intemerata. In this depiction, which accompanies the O Intemerata prayer, the Virgin holds a red, gilded egg while a heavenly choir and angel musicians surround her. In this jubilant scene, the angels conveniently (at least for the viewer) hold the…

Office of the Dead. Burial.

None: Presentation in the Temple. 40 days after Christ's birth, Mary presented the child and made an offering, according to Mosaic custom. The high priest receives the child while the figure behind Mary brings the customary offering of doves.

Pentecost. A very colorful depiction of Pentecost. Mary quite prominently sits in the middle; divine rays descend upon them (rather than tongues; see section VI ).

Matins: Annunciation to the Virgin. The Virgin Mary devoutly kneels with her prayer book open. The Angel Gabriel, who brings the good news, holds a scroll upon which is written the beginning of Luke 1:28 -- “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with…

Crucifixion. A simple crucifixion scene, with Mary and John standing on each side, and a decorative background rather than a landscape. Above Christ's head is the inscription INRI ( Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum , “Jesus of Nazareth King of the…

Penitential Psalms. David in the wilderness with his harp.
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