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O Intemerata. In this depiction, which accompanies the O Intemerata prayer, the Virgin holds a red, gilded egg while a heavenly choir and angel musicians surround her. In this jubilant scene, the angels conveniently (at least for the viewer) hold the…

Office of the Dead. Burial.

None: Presentation in the Temple. 40 days after Christ's birth, Mary presented the child and made an offering, according to Mosaic custom. The high priest receives the child while the figure behind Mary brings the customary offering of doves.

The Annunciation to the Shepherds

Office of the Dead. Wake service

Nativity. Here the infant Christ holds the egg, foreshadowing later events.

St. John writing next to his symbol the eagle.

Lauds: Visitation. Who is greeting whom? In the visitation scene, Elizabeth, the future mother of John the Baptist, meets Mary, the future mother of Christ. Behind them is the house of Zacharias, Elizabeth's husband. As the illustration seems to…

Nativity. Here the infant Christ holds the egg, foreshadowing later events.

Flight into Egypt. See Flight into Egypt, section III.
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