
Browse Items (1587 total)

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, January 25, 1965. Bishop addresses the post card to Allen and Gardner. She thanks both of them for the Christmas card they sent. Bishop has been visiting "Barroque" churches and studying the interiors. She…

"Three Valentines to the Wide World" by Mona Van Duyn from Poetry, Volume 88, Number 4 (July 1956).

"What's Happening to Prose?" by Mona Van Duyn from College English, Volume 16, Number 1 (October 1954).

"Late Loving" by Mona Van Duyn from The Atlantic, Volume 258, Number 3 (September 1986).

"Arts and Letters," Washington University Magazine, Volume 53, Number 2 (Spring 1983). Sidebar discussing the election of Mona Van Duyn and William H. Gass to the Institute of the American Academy and the Institute of Arts and Letters.

"The Spoken Word" from Washington Unveristy Magazine, Volume 31, Number 1 (November 1961). Discussion of poets and writers reading their works at Washington University including Mona Van Duyn, Stanley Elkin, Jarvis Thurston, W.D. Snodgrass, Donald…

"Call Your People America" by Mona Van Duyn from the Senior Scholastic, Teachers Edition, Volume 44, Number 3 (February 21-26, 1944).

"Sickness Is Truth," "Bacon Looks at Iowa State Teachers College," and "Iowa Dirge" by Mona Van Duyn from The Pen, Volume XIV, Number 2 (March 1942).

"Mrs. Richsmeier Meets a Crisis," "This Sky," "O'Neill and Adams Face Multiplicity," and "Credo" by Mona Van Duyn from The Purple Pen, Volume XIV, Number 1 (November 1941). Van Duyn's first publication.

"The Bell" by Mona Van Duyn from The Kenyon Review, Volume VII, Number 4 (Autumn 1945). Van Duyn's first published short story.
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