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Broadside prospectus for A Different Person: A Memoir by James Merrill" from Knopf, September 1993.

Noel Coward's Farce, 'Blithe Spirit,' Funny Ghost Story in Nixon clipping. Karl Krug's review of the play gave favorable review of Isabella Gardner's performance--he called her very comical.

Photograph of the nominees for the 1971 National Book Award for Poetry, Mark Strand, May Swenson, Mona Van Duyn, W.S. Merwin, and Gregory Corso. Swenson was nominated for Iconographs.

Stanley Kunitz to Isabella Gardner, March 3, 1965. Kunitz writes to Gardner to say that it was good to see her. Kunitz was sorry to upset her by telling her to delay publishing her book of poems for 1 year.

Stanley Kunitz to Isabella Gardner, December 12, 1965. Kunitz writes to Gardner to give her support during her difficult season with Allen Tate. He says that he hopes that she is walking with courage and looking toward the future. He thanks her for…

Post card from Stanley Kunitz to Isabella Gardner, September 28, 1968. Kunitz tells Gardner that he stopped in town long enough to drop of Elise, then he will return to the Cape for a month of solitude. He agrees with Gardner regarding Young's poems.

Prospectus for Places to Go by Joanne Kyger and published by Black Sparrow Press. Features a blurb of support by Robert Creeley.

Prospectus for Places to Go by Joanne Kyger and published by Black Sparrow Press. Features a blurb of support by Robert Creeley.

"James Merrill at Home: An Interview" by Ross Labrie from the Arizona Quarterly, Volume 38, Number 1 (Spring 1982).

Typescript draft with minimal corrections of The Selected Writings of Jules LaForgue edited and translated by William Jay Smith.
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