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Draft of autograph letter from Mona Van Duyn to her publisher at Atheneum, Harry Ford, concerning revisions and additions to her forthcoming book, TO SEE, TO TAKE (circa 1970). This letter represents a portion of a larger collection of spiral…

Drafts of Howard Nemerov. Van Duyn describes Nemerov's personality and gives examples of things he said and did. She also gives her impressions of his work.

Drafts of the Poetry of Howard Nemerov. Van Duyn describes Nemerov's personality and how his work affected her when she read it.

Drafts of Tribute to Howard Nemerov. In a memorial tribute to Howard Nemerov, Van Duyn describes his personality and dedication to his craft. She also describes his actions prior to his death.

Typescript [photocopy] of the dust jack copy for The Best American Short Stories 1980 edited by Stanley Elkin with Shannon Ravenel, 1980.

Dust jacket mock-up for Half Sun Half Sleep by May Swenson. The dust jacket is designed by Martha Sanders.

Dust jacket mock-up of Smiles on Washington Square by Raymond Federmanpublished by Thunder's Mouth Press, 1985.

Autograph draft of an early autobiography by Mona Van Duyn.

Final version typed [carbon] draft with minimal corrections of EH JOE by Samuel Beckett. This was Beckett's first attempt at writing for television.

Newspaper clipping of "Elegies: Remembrances of Howard Nemerov," tributes to Howard Nemerov by William H. Gass, Dan Shea, David Clewell, and Richard Byrne, Jr from the Riverfront Times, July 17-23, 1991.
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