
Browse Items (57 total)

Wolf suckling Romulus and Remus; Pal. De Consew; Wolf Etruscan Veii, early 5th c- Twins by Pollaiolo, 15th c. ; Two versions of nurture: 1. Wolf 2. Taustulus; Numitor- Amulius- Rhea Silvia-Mars

Wall painting, Pompeii; Torjan, Horde, Laocoon

vestal priestess NM, Rome; Text must be read perfectly. Any hesistation, cough, etc. vitiated process and restart necessary

Annibale Carracci (1560-1609) "Venus and Anchises" c1598; Aeneas result; Pal. Farnese, Rome; Unde genus Latinum

triuphal parade up Clirus Capitolinus AD 71

Tiber Island. L (near) Pons Aemilius L (far) Pins Castius; R. Rons Tabricius; T. of Aesculapius here in antiquity

The engineering of the roof of the Pantheon. 360. Key is sequence of the buttresses seen in profile and from air. Even more info than ribbing, this is a buttress turned 360. Dome =arch swung 360

T. of Vesta relief (Uffizi, Flor) as restored by Aug. Oak tree w. Lucus Vestae

Suicide of Dido after cursing Aeneas and calling for an Avenger (= Hannibal); Codex Vergilius Vaticanus 3225, fol. 41, recto. Ca. 380-400. Ink on vellum. 4 5/8 x 6 1/8 in.

Story of Romulus and Remus, Mars and Rhea Silvia, Faustulus and Acca Larentia; Role of Wolf not shown; Wolf ommited bec. in MA it= evil, greed, lust; Cod. Riccardiano 492 of Vergil, Florence, 15th saec.; Romulus, 1st of 7 kings
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