
Browse Items (41 total)

Draft of a letter to Tony Harwood about Merrill's beliefs on soul and spirituality. These would feed into "The Broken Home," "From the Cupola," and "Days of 1964."

A draft of a letter to Merrill's mother, Hellen Ingram Plummer, to prepare her for the publication of his memoir,A Different Person, which contained elements of his life he knew would be unsettling to her.

James Merrill letter to Irma Brandeis explaining Psyche's realization in "From the Cupola," the drafts of which he had been sending to her (see also "From the Cupola" draft page).

Letter from M.B. Ogle, Jr. to the members of the Purdue University philosophy department teaching staff, regarding Gass's lostOmensetter's Luckdraft. Gass later learned the draft had been stolen (along with an essay) by a colleague, who attempted to…

Hellen Plummer letter to James Merrill regarding "Lost in Translation" and how much his work keeps impressing her. She shows herself to be a "fair literary critic" in this letter.

Typed letter, signed from William Jay Smith to James Merrill, October 31, 1994.

Autograph letter, signed from May Swenson to James Merrill, July 14, 1987.

A catalog to commemorate the April 5, 1989 opening of an exhibition in the Rare Books and Special Collections Library at the University of Illinois, entitled Dandy & Fine, Accent to Ascent (1940 - ):Correspondence on the Occasions of Work…

Autograph letter, signed from Mona Van Duyn to James Merrill, undated.

Autograph letter signed from Mona Van Duyn to James Merrill, undated.
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