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1912 Notre-Dame [vue de la foule sur le parvis, drapeaux sur la façade]

This is the program from the Théâtre Hébertot's 1956 En attendant Godot, which featured original cast members Lucien Raimbourg and Pierre Latour reprising their roles of Vladimir and Estragon respectively.

This poster features a facsimile of the first page of Beckett’s manuscript for En attendant Godot. It also features an image of original cast members Lucien Raimbourg and Pierre Latour playing the roles of Vladimir and Estragon respectively.

Charles Merrill Grave.jpg

Charles Merrill Grave.jpg

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West Palm Beach.jpg

Warten auf Godot program, Berlin: 1965. A presentation copy, inscribed on front wrapper: "for Rick & Teri/with love/from Sam/Paris, Oct. 88." This 1965 production of Waiting for Godot was not the first in Germany: an authorized staging, based on…

Samuel Beckett is portrayed through photographs, recitations of his works, and dramatizations of moments of his life. Initially released in 1984 and made with the cooperation of Beckett.
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