
Untitled article

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Untitled article


a note in the mail from Ervin praising him for a job well done, said Walker, who is second term president of the Student Union.
"We strive to be worthy of this opportunity as well as his name," Walker said at the dedication service. "I'm certain we won't let him down."
Shirley Wright said her son, Paul Wright Jr., was among the first 10 scholars to attend Washington University in 1987.
"This bench is a culmination of the love Dr. Ervin had for knowledge and education for all people," she said.
Upon his death, Ervin willed his body to the Washington University School of Medicine for research. Jane Ervin, his widow, along with other family members, said without a burial location, the student memorial will help her, "place him somewhere." Ervin's bench is the 10th along with nine others mark "Alumni Gift" that circle the quadrangle.




“Untitled article,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 22, 2024, http://omeka.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/14418.