
Samuel Beckett to Henry Wenning, 22 May 1964 

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Samuel Beckett to Henry Wenning, 22 May 1964 


Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989. Correspondence.


Beckett states he just signed a contract with Calder fora new edition of More Pricks Than Kicks, for publication the following year, though he hasn't looked at the book in 25 years. For years, Beckett refused to allow the book to be reprinted. He did sign contracts with John Calder, his British publisher, and Grove, his American publisher, but then withdrew from the Grove contract in October 1964, halfway through proofing the galleys, and only allowed a hors commerce edition from Calder. He eventually relented, with trade editions from Calder and Grove coming out in 1970 and 1972, respectively.


Beckett, Samuel


22 May 1964


PR6003 E255 M65 1970: More Pricks Than Kicks (Grove Press)

PR6003 E282 M6 1934: More Pricks Than Kicks (Chatto and Windus)

MSS008 - Beckett, Samuel to Wenning, Henry, 1964: May 5 Autograph letter signed, 1 page. Has consented to a re-issue of More Pricks Than Kicks by Calder and Grove Press
1929-1940 exhibit case
To Barney Rosset, Grove Press, 20 October 1964: "I have broken down half way through galleys of More Pricks than Kicks. I simply can’t bear it. It was a ghastly mistake on my part to imagine, not having looked at it for a quarter of a century, that this old shit was revivable. I’m terribly sorry, but I simply have to ask you to stop production. I return herewith advance on royalties and ask you to charge my account with Grove whatever expenses whatever entailed by this beginning of production. I’ll be talking to John today to the same humiliating effect. Please forgive me." -The Letters of Samuel Beckett: 1929-1940, p. 633


Autograph letter signed








1 leaf, recto
1 scan


Beckett, Samuel, “Samuel Beckett to Henry Wenning, 22 May 1964,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 3, 2024, http://omeka.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/14852.