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Farm Account and Journal

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Farm Account and Journal


Published joined with WU.inventory.137 as number 18 in P.WashU.I;
This document is a listing of farm accounts and work done.;
1 papyrus fragment 14.5 x19;
Imaging and cataloging sponsored through APIS III, an NEH funded project.;
joined with WU.inventory.137.

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PW 18 – Inv 136+137
Column 3:
19] – with those from Pe. [
20] – with the same, the same work
21 – into the portion belonging to Horos, some of Ph . . .nis
22 – the same work
23 – personal work
24 – together with Saras, tenant, pay 120 drachmas
25 – they dragged wooden beams to the farm
26 – they dragged the implements from their place to the field
27 – they dragged wooden beams to the farm
28 – with of Onnophris
29 – with heirs of Agathus
30 – with Onnophris, vinedresser, 120 drachmas
Choiak 1 – They dragged wooden beams from Permouthis’
2 – the same work until the 3rd
4 – the Narous, teamster
5 – they transferred the wooden planks to the barn
6 – with [ ]siegos(?) tenant
7 – with Hedesios


“Farm Account and Journal,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 4, 2024, http://omeka.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/8037.

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