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Description of Magical Figures

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Description of Magical Figures


Published as number 74 in P.WashU.II;
1 papyrus fragment 10.2 x 18;
Imaging and cataloging sponsored through APIS III, an NEH funded project.

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PW 74 – Inv 139
(1-2) . . . in Egyptian, Kn . . . ; . . . in Greek, the great (?) modeller . . .
(3-4) And having modeled two bulls, equal . . . and their natures masculine and . . .
(5-11) And having shaped another . . . [let it have] the body of a snake which has [no tail?
or, more than one head?], but [is two- or three-headed?] at either end, [having on the
right?] the heads of men, [on the left?] the heads of geese, . . . golden wings (?) which
have . . . the shapes . . .
(11-15) [And having modeled another?] which has the body of . . . of the face of a sea(?)
hawk . . . in Egyptian . . .. subtle interpretations (?) . . .


“Description of Magical Figures,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 4, 2024, http://omeka.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/8039.

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