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Hearing before an Official

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Hearing before an Official


a) PW 6;
Published as number 6 in P.WashU.I;
Scope note: An unknown official (kourator personaroum tes augoustalianes taxeus) is mentioned in this document. He arrested a certain Aurelius T abbreviations that indicated a guilty verdict was handed down and a fine imposed.;
1 papyrus fragment 14.2 x 35.0;
12 lines of text;
Ama Maria;
Aurelius Theo [ ], Flavius Menas, Flavius Eschurion;
Imaging and cataloging sponsored through APIS III, an NEH funded project.

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PW 6 - Inv. 160
Aurelius Theo[ ] . . . demosios tabularios of the village . . . "On the present day which is
Hathyr 2, indiction 6 Flavius Menas curator personarum of the office of the Augustalis
arrested me at a place opposite the Holy Church of Ama Mary and took me before
Flavius Eschurion princeps (?) of the office of the Augustalis. K. . . , advocate for the
demosios tabularios, said, “Flavius Menas, curator personarum ordered . . .”


“Hearing before an Official,” WUSTL Digital Gateway Image Collections & Exhibitions, accessed July 25, 2024, http://omeka.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/8045.

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