Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain ; illustrated by Barry Moser ; foreword by Henry Nash Smith
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985

Casas, Bartolome de las, 1474-1566
An account of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America. Containing the most exact relation hitherto publish'd, of their unparallel'd cruelties on the Indians ... By Don Bartholomew de las Casas, bishop of Chiapa ... Illustrated with cuts. To which is added, The art of travelling London,
Printed by J. Darby for D. Brown at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar, J. Harris at the Harrow in Little Britain, and Andr. Bell at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil. 1699

Hawkesworth, John, 1715?-1773
An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, And successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, And Captain Cook, In the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour: Drawn up From the Journals which were kept by the several Commanders, And from the Papers of Joseph Banks, Esq.
London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1773

Ogilby, John, 1600-1676
America: Being an Accurate Description of the New World; containing The Original of the Inhabitants; The Remarkable Voyages thither: The Conquest of the vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, Their ancient and later Wars. With their several Plantations, Many, and Rich Islands; Their Cities, Fortresses, Towns, Temples, Mountains, and Rivers: Their Habits, Customs, Manners, and Religions; Their Peculiar Plants, Beasts, Birds, and Serpents. Collected and Translated from most Authentick Authors, And Augmented with later Observations; Illustrated with Notes, and Adorn'd with peculiar Maps, and proper Sculptures
London: Tho. Johnson, 1670

Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598
Americæ Das Fünffte Buch / vol schöner vnerhörter Historien / auss dem andern theil Joannis BenZonis von Meylandt gezogen … an Tag geben, durch Dieterich von Bry
Frankfurt am Mayn, 1595
Part V of the first German edition.

Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598
Wunderbarliche, doch warhafftige Erklärung, von der Gelegenheit vnd Sitten der Wilden in Virginia ... Erstlich in engelländischer Sprach beschrieben durch Thomam Hariot, vnd newlich durch Christ. P. in Teutsch gebracht
Franckfort am Mayn, Gedruckt bey J. Wechel, in Verlegung D. Bry, 1590
Part I of the first German edition.

Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598 ed.
Das sechste Theil der Neuwen Welt. Oder Der Historien Hieron. Benzo das dritte Buch. … an Tag geben durch Dieterich von Bry
Franckfurt am Mayn, Gedruckt bey J. Feyrabendt, in Verlegung D. von Bry, 1597
Part VI of the first German edition.

Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598
Brevis narratio eorum qvae in Florida Americae provi[n]cia Gallis acciderunt : secunda in illam nauigatione, duce Renato de Laudoniere ... anno MDLXIIII. Quae est secunda pars Americae / auctore Iacobo Le Moyne, cui cognomen de Morgues ... Nunc primùm Gallico sermone à Theodoro de Bry Leodiense in lucem edita: Latio verò donata a C. C. A.
Francoforti ad Moenvm, Typis I. Wecheli, sumtibus vero T. de Bry, venales reperiutur in officina S. Feirabedii, 1591
This is Part II of the first Latin edition.

Hulton, Paul & Quinn, David Beers
The American Drawings of John White 1577-1590. With Drawings of European and Oriental Subjects. A Catalogue Raisonné and a Study of the Artist
London: Trustees of the British Museum; Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1964
(Reproductions of the originals in color facsimile and of derivatives in monochrome. Theodor de Bry made many engravings of White's drawings for his series Great and Small Voyages.)

Horn, Mrs.
An authentic and thrilling narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn and her two children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians : and the murder of their husbands and travling companions
Cincinnati: Pub. by the author, c1853

Exquelmelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier)
Bucaniers of America: Or, a true Account of the Most remarkable Assaults Committed of late years upon the Coasts of The West-Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, Both English and French. Where are contained more especially, The unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sack's Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, &c. …
London: William Crooke, 1684

Larimer, Sarah L. (Sarah Luse)
The capture and escape; or, Life among the Sioux
Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1870

Joseph, Nez Perce Chief, 1840-1904
Chief Joseph's own story An Indian's views of Indian affairs : young Joseph's translated narrative / with an introd. by Dee Brown & wood-engravings by Gillian Tyler
Kirkwood: The Printery, 1973
Translated by A. Chapman from a speech delivered in Washington in 1879. First published in 1925 under title: Chief Joseph's own story.

Codex Cospi : Calendario Messicano 4093, Biblioteca Universitaria Bologna. Einleitung und Summary von K. A. Nowotny.
Mit Faksimile Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1968

Gomez-Pena, Guillermo
Chagoya, Enrique
Codex Espangliensis : from Columbus to the Border Patrol
Santa Cruz, Calif. : Moving Parts Press, 1998

Todorov, Tzvetan, 1939-
The conquest of America : the question of the other / Tzvetan Todorov ; translated from the French by Richard Howard
New York: Harper & Row, c1984

Rogers, Woodes, d. 1732
A cruising voyage round the world : first to the South-sea, thence to the East-Indies, and homewards by the cape of Good Hope. Begun in 1708, and finish'd in 1711 …
London: Printed for Andrew Bell ..., and Bernard Lintot ..., 1718

Mela, Pomponius
De situ orbis libri tres; Aethici Cosmographi, H. Glareani compendiaria descriptio orbis terrarum
Parisiis, Apud Ioan. Libert, 1619
Gift of Philip M. Arnold.

Tonti, Henri de, d. 1704
Dernières découvertes dans l' Amérique septentrionale de M. de la Sale Mises au jour par M. le Chevalier Tonti, Gouverneur du Fort Saint Louis, aux Illinois
Paris: Jean Guignard, 1697

Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625
Descripcion de las Indias Ocidentales
Madrid: Nicolas Rodriquez Franco, 1730
Bound with:
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625
Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas i tierra firme del mar oceano / escrita por Antonio de Herrera, coronista mayor de Su Md. d[e] las Indias y su coronista de Castilla ; en quatro decadas desde el año de 1442 hasta el de [1]531 ..
Madrid : En la imprenta real de Nicolas Rodiquez Franco, 1726-1730

Coxe, Daniel, 1673-1739
A Description Of the English Province of Carolana, By the Spaniards call'd Florida, And by the French La Louisiane. As also of the Great and Famous River Meschacebe or Missisipi, The Five vast Navigable Lakes of Fresh Water, and the Parts Adjacent. Together With an Account of the Commodities of the Growth and Production of the said Province. And a Preface containing some Considerations on the Consequences of the French making Settlements there
London: B. Cowse, 1722

Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618
The Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bevvtifvl Empyre of Gviana, With a relation of the great Golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spanyards call El Dorado) And of the Prouinces of Emeria, Arromaia, Amapaia, and other Countries, with their riuers, adioyning
London: Robert Robinson, 1596

Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, 1496-1584
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico 1517-1521 / By Bernal Diaz del Castillo / One of its Conquerors / Edited from the only exact copy of the original manuscript by Genaro García; translated, with introduction and notes, by A. P. Maudslay; illustrated by Miguel Covarrubias; with a new introduction by Harry Block
Mexico: Printed for members of The Limited Editions Club by Rafael Loera y Chávez, 1942

Father of the Waters
St. Louis: Coloney & Fairchild, 1866
The linen-mounted map unrolls from a wooden cylinder in a strip about 2 inches wide by 129 inches long and shows plantations, towns, landings, and mileage points along the Mississippi as they existed just after the Civil War.

The Flight of Quetzalcoatl
Translated by Jerome Rothenberg
Brighton: Unicorn, 1967

Ptolemy, 2nd. Cent
Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino. Tradotta di Greco nell' Idioma Volgare Italiano da Girolamo Ruscelli Et hora nuouamente ampliata Da Gioseffo Rosaccio, …
Venetia: Heredi di Melchior Sessa, 1598

Morden, Robert
Geography Rectified: or, A Description of the World, In all its Kingdoms …
London: Robert Morden and Thomas Cockeril, 1680

Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616
Histoire de la Floride, ov Relation de ce qvi s'est passe au voyage de Ferdinand de Soto, pour la conqueste de ce pays; composee en espagnol par l'Inca Garcilasso de la Vega, et traduite en francois par P. Richelet
Paris: G. Clovzier, 1670

Cortes, Hernan, 1485-1547
Historia de Nueva-Espana, escrita por su esclarecido conquistador Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros docvmentos, y notas, por el ilustrissimo Senor Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, arzobispo de Mexico. Con las licencias necesarias
Mexico: Impr. del superior gobierno, J. A. de Hogal, 1770

Colon, Fernando, 1488-1539
Historie del signor d. Fernando Colombo. Nelle quali s'ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, e de' fatti dell' ammiraglio, d. Christoforo Colombo suo padre
In Venetia: Appresso Iseppo Prodocimo, 1678

Solis, Antonio De, 1610-1686
The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into English from the Original Spanish of Don Antonio, Secretary and Historiographer to His Catholick Majesty. By Thomas Townsend, Esq.
London: T. Woodward, 1724

Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809
History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark. Travels to the source of the Missouri river and across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the government of the United States, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By Captains Lewis and Clarke. Published from the official report, and illustrated by a map of the route, and official report, and illustrated by a map of the route, and other maps A new ed
London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1815

McKenney, Thomas Loraine, 1785-1859
History of the Indian tribes of North America : with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs / by Thomas L. McKenny and James Hall
Philadelphia: D. Rice & A. N. Hart, 1854, c1848

Joutel, Henri, 1640?-1735
Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu M. de LaSale fit dans le golfe de Mexique, pour trouver l'embouchure, & le cours de la riviere de Missicipi, nommee a present la riviere de Saint Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane : ou l'on voit l'histoire tragique de sa mort, & plusieurs choses curieuses du Nouveau monde …
Paris: Chez E. Robinot, 1713

Joutel, Henri, 1640?-1735
A Journal Of the Last Voyage Perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, To find out the Mouth of the Missisipi River; containing An Account of the Settlements he endeavour'd to make on the Coast of the aforesaid Bay, his unfortunate Death, and the Travels of his Companions for the Space of Eight Hundred Leagues across that Inland Country of America, now call'd Louisiana …
London: A. Bell, 1714

Catlin, George, 1796-1872
Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians : written during eight years' travel amongst the wildest tribes of Indians in North America. In 1832, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39
London: Pub. by the author ; [Printed by W. and A.K. Johnston], 1841

Burland, C. A. (Cottie Arthur), 1905-
Magic Books from Mexico
México: Ediciones Lara, [1966]

Joutel, Henri, 1640?-1735
Mr. Joutel's journal of his voyage to Mexico: his travels eight hundred leagues through forty nations of Indians in Lovisiana to Canada: his account of the great river Missasipi. To which is added a map of that country; with a description of the great water-falls in the river Misouris. Tr. from the French pub. at Paris
London: Printed for B. Lintot, 1719

Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771
The natural and civil history of the French dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular account of the climate, soil, minerals, animals, vegetables, manufactures, trade, commerce and languages, together with the religion, government, genius, character, manners and customs of the Indians and other inhabitants. Illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places, collected from the best authorities, and engraved by T. Jefferys, geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
London: Printed for T. Jefferys, 1760

Hennepin, Louis, 17th. Century
A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, Extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico; with a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals. Also, the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the several Native Indians; and the Advantage of Commerce with those different Nations …
London: M. Bentley, J. Tonson, H. Bonwick, T. Goodwin, and S. Manship, 1698

Bankes, Thomas; Blake, Edward Warren and Cook, Alexander
A New Royal Authentic and Complete System of Universal Geography Antient and Modern: Including All the late important Discoveries made by the English, and other celebrated Navigators of the various Nations, in the different Hemispheres …
London: J. Cooke, [c. 1790]

Wafer, Lionel, 1660?-1705?
A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, Giving an Account of the Author's Abode there, The Form and Make of the Country, the Coasts, Hills, Rivers, &c. Woods, Soil, Weather, &c. Trees, Fruit, Beasts, Birds, Fish, &c. The Indian Inhabitants, their Features, Complexion, &c. their Manners, Customs, Employments, Marriages, Feasts, Hunting, Computation, Language, &c. …
London: James Knapton, 1699

Lahontan, Louis Armande De Lom Darce, Baron De, 1666-1715?
New Voyages to North-America. Containing An Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent; their Customs, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers …
London: John Brindley, 1735

Hennepin, Louis, 17th. Century
Nouvelle Decouverte d' un très grand Pays Situé dans l' Amérique, entre Le Nouveau Mexique, et La Mer Glaciale, Avec les Cartes, & les Figures necessaires, & de plus l' Histoire Naturelle et Morale, & les avantages qu' on en peut tirer par l' établissement des Colonies. Le Tout Dedié à Sa Majesté Britannique, Guillaume III
Utrecht: Guillaume Broedelet, 1697

Alba, Jacobo Stuart Fitz-James y Falcó, duque de, 1787-1953
Mapas Españoles de América. Siglos XV-XVII
Madrid: [Privately Printed,] 1951

Cloppenburg, Jan Evertszoon
Le Miroir de la Cruelle, & horrible tyrannie espagnole perpetree au Pays Bas, par le Tyran Duc de Albe, & aultres Comandeurs de par le roy Philippe le deuxiesme. On a adjoinct la deuxiesme partie de les tyrannies commises aux Indes Occidentales par les Espagnols. Nouvellement exorne avec taille douce en cuyvre
Tot Amsterdam Ghedruckt by Ian Ever'tss Cloppenburg, op't Water tegen over de Koor Beurs in vergulden Bijbel, 1620
Bound with Casas, Bartolome de las. Le Miroir de la Tyrannie

Melville, Herman, 1819-1891
Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981, c1979

Cather, Willa, 1873-1947
My Antonia, by Willa Sibert Cather ... with illustrations by W. T. Benda
Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918

Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849
The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, by Edgar Allan Poe; with designs by Rene Clarke
New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1930

Catlin, George, 1796-1872
O-kee-pa, a religious ceremony ; and other customs of the Mandans
London: Trubner, 1867

Clark, Blake, 1908-
Omai, first Polynesian ambassador to England : the true story of his voyage there in 1774 with Captain Cook, of how he was feted by Fanny Burney, approved by Samuel Johnson, entertained by Mrs. Thrale & Lord Sandwich, and painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds
[San Francisco] : Colt Press, 1941, c1940

Melville, Herman, 1819-1891
Omoo : a narrative of adventures in the south seas; being a sequel to the "Residence in the Marquesas Islands"
London: John Murray, Albemarle street, 1847

Casas, Bartolome De Las, 1475-1566
Popery Truly Display'd in its Bloody Colours: Or, a Faithful Narrative of the Horrid and Unexampled Massacres, Butcheries, and all manner of Cruelties, that Hell and Malice could invent, committed by the Popish Spanish Party of the Inhabitants of West-India …
London: R. Hewson, 1689

Pittman, Philip, Captain
The Present State of the European Settlements on the Missisippi; with a Geographical Description of that River. Illustrated by Plans and Draughts
London: J. Nourse, 1770

Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616
The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeres …
London: George Bishop, Ralph Newberie and Robert Barker, 1599-1600

A Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards, Under the Command of Fernando de Soto. Written in Portuguese by a Gentleman of the Town of Elvas. Now Englished. To which is Subjoyned Two Journeys of the present Emperour of China into Tartary in the Years 1682, and 1683. With some Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Island of California, in the Year 1683
London: John Lawrence, 1686 (no illustrations)

Núñez Cabeza de Vacá, Alvar, 16th. Century
Relation that Alvar Núñez Cabeça gave of what Befel the Armament in the Indias whither Pánphilo de Narváez went for Governor (from the Years 1527 to 1537) which with Three Comrades he Released and Came to Sevilla. Printed from the Buckingham Smith Translation of 1871
[Colophon:] San Francisco: Grabhorn Press, 1929

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. With Ten Engravings on Copper and with a Foreword by David Jones
New York City: Chilmark Press, 1964

Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
Roughing it, by Mark Twain
Hartford, Conn. : American Publishing Company ; Chicago : F. G. Gilman & Co. ; [etc., etc.], 1872

Tomlinson, H. M. (Henry Major), 1873-1958
The sea and the jungle, being the narrative of the tramp steamer Capella from Swansea to Santa Maria de Belem do Grao Para in the Brazils, and thence 2,000 miles along the forests of the Amazon and Madeira rivers to the San Antonio falls …
London: Duckworth [1930]

Foreman, Grant, 1869-1953
Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, [1959, c1938]

Barry, Thomas, fl. 1800-1802
The singular adventures and captivity of Thos. Barry, among the Monsipi Indians, in the unexplored regions of North America: including the manners, customs, etc. of that tribe ; also, a particular account of his escape, accompanied by an Indian female; the extraordinary hardships they encountered in their flight; and their safe arrival in London, December the 6th, 1799. Written by himself
[London] : A. Neil, 1802

Summario de la generale historia de l' Indie Occidentali cauato da libri scritti dal Signor Don Pietro Martyre del Consiglio delle Indie della Maesta de l' imparadore, et da molte altre particulari relationi Venegia: [Aurelio Pincio,] 1534

Irving, Washington, 1783-1859
A tour on the prairies
Paris: A. and W. Galignani, 1835

Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von, 1782-1867
Travels in Brazil in 1815, 1816, and 1817. Translated from the German, and Illustrated with Engravings
London: Sir Richard Phillips and Co., 1820

Melville, Herman, 1819-1891
Typee : a peep at Polynesian life. During a four months' residence in a valley of the Marquesas
New York: Wiley and Putnam; [etc., etc.] 1846

Panther, Abraham
A very surprising narrative of a young woman, who was discovered in a rocky cave, after having been taken by the savage indians of the wilderness, in the year 1777, and seeing no human being for the space of nine long years. In a letter from a gentleman to his friend
Windsor [Vt.] Printed by Alden Spooner, 1794

Frezier, Amedee Francois, 1682-1773
A voyage to the South-sea, and along the coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714. Particularly describing the genius and constitution of the inhabitants, as well Indians as Spaniards ... By Monsieur Frezier ... Illustrated with 37 copper-cutts of the coasts ... printed from the author's original plates ... With a postscript by Dr. Edmund Halley ... And an account of the settlement, commerce, and riches of the Jesuites in Paraguay
London: Printed for J. Bowyer, 1717

Cook, James, 1728-1779
A Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the World. Performed in His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Adventure; In the Years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775 …
London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1774

Voyages and discoveries in South-America. The first up the river of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil, perform'd at the command of the king of Spain. By Christopher D'Acugna. The second up the river of Plata, and thence by land to the mines of Potosi. By Mons. Acarete. The third from Cayenne into Guiana, in search of the lake of Parima, reputed the richest place in the world. By M. Grillet and Bechamel …
London: Printed for S. Buckley, 1698

Staden, Hans, c. 1525 - c. 1576
Warhafftige Historia vnnd beschreibung einer Landschafft der Wilden / Nacketen / Grimmigen Menschfresser Leuthen / in der Newen Welt America gelegen vor vnd nach Christi geburt im Land zu Hessen vnbekant / biss auff dise ij. Nechts vergangene ja …
[Colophon:] Gedruckt zu Franckfurdt am Mayn durch Weygandt Han / in der Schnurgassen zum Krug. [1557]

Rhys, Jean
Wide Sargasso Sea; introd. by Francis Wyndham
London: Deutsch, 1966

Burroughs, William, and Ginsberg, Allen
The Yage Letters
[San Francisco:] City Lights Books, [1963]

Information for this exhibition taken from the following sources:

America and the sea : a literary history / edited by Haskell Springer
Athens : University of Georgia Press, c1995

The broken spears : the Aztec account of the conquest of Mexico / edited and with an introduction by Miguel León-Portilla ; [translated from Nahautl into Spanish by Angel Maria Garibay K. ; English translation by Lysander Kemp ; illustrations, adapted from original codices paintings, by Alberto Beltran]
Boston : Beacon Press, c1992
Expanded and updated ed. / with a foreword by J. Jorge Klor de Alva

Poe's Pym : critical explorations / edited by Richard Kopley
Durham : Duke University Press, 1992

Bucher, Bernadette
Icon and conquest : a structural analysis of the illustrations of de Bry's Great voyages / Bernadette Bucher ; translated by Basia Miller Gulati
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1981

Dickason, Olive Patricia Title
The myth of the savage : and the beginnings of French colonialism in the Americas
Edmonton, Alta., Canada : University of Alberta Press, c1984

Greenfield, Bruce Robert, 1951-
Narrating discovery : the romantic explorer in American literature, 1790-1855
New York : Columbia University Press, c1992

Kennedy, Gavin
The death of Captain Cook / Gavin Kennedy
London : Duckworth, 1978

VanDerBeets, Richard
The Indian captivity narrative : an American genre / Richard VanDerBeets
Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1984

Wright, Ronald
Stolen continents : the Americas through Indian eyes since 1492
Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1992