
Browse Items (141 total)

This is the bookstamp of the Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin Bibliothek (est. 1898), the Jewish community library of Berlin.

From the time of its founding until it was closed by the Nazis, the library was an important scientific resource for both…

This is the bookstamp of Aron Kagan (Aharon HaKohen), a Lithuanian rabbi. He was born in 1865 to Rabbi Yosef HaKohen and his wife Henya. His grandfather, Rabbi Abraham HaKohen, served as head of the rabbinical court in Goniądz.

Aron Kagan was…

This is the bookplate of Jakob Klatzkin, a philosopher, prolific author, and ardent Zionist. He was born in 1882 in Kartoz-Brioza (present day Byaroza, Belarus) where his father Eliyahu Klatzkin served as local rabbi. As a child he was educated by…

This is the signature of Abraham Langleben, a Polish writer and tradesman.

He was born in 1881 in Warsaw, where he studied at Raichman's Beit Midrash. He supplemented his schooling with self-study and learned to speak several European languages.…

This is the bookstamp of the Bibliothek der Lehranstalt für die Wissenschaft des Judentums (est.1870), the Library of the Educational Establishment for Jewish Studies.

This instituion was originally called the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft…

This is the signature of Tsebi Hirsch (also Zvi Hirschel) Lehren (1784-1853), a wealthy Dutch merchant and Orthodox rabbi.

In 1810, along with Abraham Prinz and Solomon Rubens, he founded the Pekidim and Amarkalim organization to support and…

This is the bookstamp of Louis Lewin (1868-1941), born in Znin, Posen, but raised in Frankfurt am Main. He earned a Ph.D degree at the University of Heidelberg in 1893 for his dissertation on Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai, and obtained rabbinic ordination…

This is the signature of Koppelmann (also Kalman) Lieben (1812-1892), a scholar and bibliophile from Prague.

Lieben was a member of the board of the Prague Jewish community and the secretary of the Prague Burial Society (Hevra Kaddisha).


This is the bookstamp of the library of the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews (est. 1809).

This Anglican missionary society, which still operates today, was established in order to promote the growth of the Hebrew…

This is the bookplate of the library of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews (est. 1809). This Anglican missionary society, which still operates today, was established in order to promote the growth of the Hebrew…
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