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Journal entry by David Jackson about jealousy and promiscuity between James Merrill and Jackson.

David McIntosh, a disciplined, reserved painter of abstract landscapes who drew a "'firm and gentle line' between love and friendship, and what he wanted was the latter."

The bronzed death mask was Peter Hooten's idea, "but the juvenile author of "Death Masks"...would have appreciated it" (see Merrill's poem "Death Masks" in Love and Money, Publications).

Printed copy of a drawing of 107 Water Street in Stonington by David Jackson.

Drawing of Athinaion Efivon 44 (James Merrill's and David Jackson's house in Athens, Greece for 15 years) by David Jackson. This illustration was sent to friends as a Christmas card in 1964.

Excerpt from Voices from Sandover, a play by James Merrill based on Merrill and David Jackson's Ouija board seances. The performance was staged at the Agassiz Theatre at Radcliffee College, produced by Peter Hooten, and directed by Joan Darling. The…

Frederick Buechner, James Merrill's good friend from Lawrenceville, hanging from tree. "Freddy was an enthusiastic reader and a talented writer, with a confident, energetic mind that reveled in words and stories."

Hans Lodeizen silhouette with correspondence from Lodeizen to James Merrill on verso. The silhouette sat in Merrill's study for many years.

Photostat copy of Harry Ford letter to Lawrence Condon announcing that year's Ingram Merrill Foundation awards. Recipients included Daryl Hine and Derek Walcott.

Hellen Plummer letter to James Merrill regarding "Lost in Translation" and how much his work keeps impressing her. She shows herself to be a "fair literary critic" in this letter.
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