
Browse Items (151 total)


A photograph of Peter Tourville, James Merrill's friend from the early 1960s onward, who was "country-lean from outdoor labor, with a gravelly voice and easy laugh, [and] a stoner's squint[.]" Merrill purchased Tourville a small apple orchard, where…

A Lawrenceville School class photograph, with James Merrill in the second row on far right. Also pictured is Tony Harwood, in the top row, second from right.

A portrait of James Merrill as a child from the Mary Boatwright Collection of James Merrill Papers.

James Merrill's bronzed baby shoes.

James Merrill's silver baby cup and spoon from Tiffany & Co.

James Merrill's baby book with birth announcement. Discussed in Merrill's memoir, A Different Person, the baby book contains the list of gifts Merrill received at birth, including stock shares, silver spoons, gold diaper pins, etc.

James Merrill as a cadet. Merrill was designated for "limited service only" because of poor eyesight.

James Merrill's National Book Award for Mirabell: Books of Number. It was Merrill's second National Book Award win in 12 years. Merrill gave the prize money to Hubbell Pierce, inventor of the bat wallpaper at 107 Water Street where many…

A photo of Peter Hooten, James Merrill's last partner. Their relationship started in 1983, when Hooten declared his love for Merrill "on Valentine's Eve," in Key West, Florida.
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