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Directed by Alan Schneider ; produced by Daniel Labeille ; film by D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus

Notebook Beckett used to draft Bing.

In October-November 1965, Beckett worked intensively through nine successive drafts before he finally abandoned the piece, leaving it unpublished in its entirety until 1970. Washington University holds the manuscripts of all nine drafts, including…

Bing typed draft - one of ten toward the short story - with a note by Beckett

Illustrated by Louis le Brocquy. One of many fine press editions of Beckett’s work, and the first publication of the final published prose piece by Beckett--a collection of prose fragments written over three years.

Uncorrected proof copy of 1st edition. Includes Breath, Come and Go: a Dramaticule, Act without Words I: a Mime for One Player, Act without Words II: a Mime for Two Players and From an Abandoned Work

Text shows minor variations when compared with the text published in book form by Faber, 1976.

Includes A Piece of Monologue, Rockaby, Ohio Impromptu

Carbon typescript with one autograph correction by Beckett. This brief dramatic piece was written for and performed at the Samuel Beckett Symposium and 75th birthday celebration at Ohio University, in 1981. directed by Alan Schneider. This is one of…
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