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v.5:no.1 (1932: Sept.) Surrealist number of the journal which includes poems by Andre Breton and Paul Éluard "rendered into English" by Samuel Beckett.

Contained in: Transition no.21 (1932:Mar.)

Anthology compiled and edited by Samuel Putnam

Beckett states he just signed a contract with Calder fora new edition ofMore Pricks Than Kicks, for publication the following year, though he hasn't looked at the book in 25 years. For years, Beckett refused to allow the book to be reprinted. He did…

Scarce first edition of this collection of ten short stories. Beckett had mixed feelings about its publication: excitement over his first book of fiction being published, but also fear that his friends and relatives would recognize themselves in it…

First edition of Beckett's first published novel. Beckett wrote Murphy from 1934-1937. The novel chronicles the life and mind of the titular character, an Irishman living in a condemned building in London.

First edition of Beckett's critical study of Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu. The publisher, Charles Prentice, was the first to "discover" Beckett, and became a leading early supporter who also published More Pricks Than Kicks.

"This edition is limited to 327 copies of which 25 on Normandy vellum signed by the author are numbered I to XXV; 250 on alfa paper numbered 1 to 250; and 50 copies marked Hors commerce. 2 copies on Normandy vellum marked A and B are reserved for the…

This first edition of an anthology of black writers includes 19 essays translated from the French by Samuel Beckett. Beckett was a close friend of the famed British expatriate, Nancy Cunard, who ran the Hours Press in Paris. Cunard was involved with…

This 98 line poem, based on the life of Descartes, was Beckett's hastily-written, last-minute submission to Nancy Cunard's competition for the best poem written on the subject of time. Beckett won £10 and publication by the Hours Press for the…
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