Through the years, as Gass was writing and publishing portions of The Tunnel, he would give readings of them. In the Modern Literature Recorded Multimedia Collection are digitized recordings of Gass reading from The Tunnel, from the early 1970s to the early 1990s. Two of those recordings are featured here, as are two excerpts from Gass reading The Tunnel in the studio in 2005 for the audiobook version, and the recording of the audiobook launch, featuring a discussion with William Gass and Lorin Cuoco.

An additional reading from The Tunnel has recently been made available on the University of North Dakota Writers Conference website. Gass participated in the conference in 1975, and read "We Have Not Lived the Right Life." You can access the audio of that reading here ( 

Also included on this page are two interviews Gass gave in 1995 that are mostly centered on The Tunnel, which had just been published.