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Physical Description - The book is coverd by two plywood panels. The inside of the book is made by Japanese paper with black ink of a inkjet printer. The printed paper is organized by accordion fold. Catalog record.

Physical Description - Perfect Bind with Color Printing on High Gloss Paper. High Gloss Paper, Davy Board, Green Book Cloth, Cheese Cloth, Gocco Printing on Cover Catalog record.

Title Description - A documentary art project on the post-50's baby boomers' TV syndrome. This project originating in the artist's own relationship with TV, records the true confessions of adults who have been raised by television and are unable to…

Title Description - In Meador's latest work, he travels in northernmost Russia to the White Sea near the Arctic Circle to the Solovetski Monastery that became the first GULAG. The story is super-saturated as are the tints of the photographs that are…

Title Description - Following in the tradition of artists’ books in the form of scrapbooks, Bulk offers a collection of diary entries, snapshots, cut outs from newspapers and magazines and found pieces of paper on which the artist has written.…

Physical Description - Pages printed on a continuous strip, 11 x 89 cm., folded accordion style to 11 x 8 cm Catalog record.

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