
Browse Items (52 total)

Title Description - Hand colored prints and altered maps of Central Park. "A morphological development of nonsense, which vanishes into thin air." Includes landmarks of Manhattan and of art. 29 June 2009 (printedmatter.org). Catalog record.

Title Description - This book documents Olaf Nicolai's re-design and painting of a skate park at the Mehrerauerbrücke in Bregenz, Germany. Using the pre-existing elements of the park as a starting point, Nicolai surrounded the structures with…

Title Description - Beat Streuli photographs passers-by mid-movement and then presents them at a large scale in projected slide shows. This book scales them down, slows them down and contextualizes them with the critical voices of Rupert Pfab and…

Physical Description - Perfect Bind with Color Printing on High Gloss Paper. High Gloss Paper, Davy Board, Green Book Cloth, Cheese Cloth, Gocco Printing on Cover Catalog record.
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