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Catalog record.

Title Description - Shadow Architecture at the Crossroads Annual 19X describes one year of life and news at the Crossroads, a city at the center of a vast continental railway system. The Annual is constructed like a mosaic composed of hundreds of…

Physical Description - Book is printed on illustration weight paper using an inkjet printer. Pages are printed full spread and bound using double-sided tape between each spread. Catalog record.

Physical Description - Laserjet printer / spiral binding. Art paper / chipboard / plastic spiral Catalog record.

Title Description - In the style and format of a children's hardcover book, Bloch relates the story of the terrible earthquake in Mexico on the morning of September 19th, 1985. Several of the black and white photographs of the aftermath are inset…

Title Description - To create a book that documented an action within the community. In this case it was a stick campaign to warn the public of the presence of a surveillance camera.

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