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Image Contact Sheet + Description of a book created during Urban Books : Imag(in)ing St. Louis [Fall 2012 course] to be used in an image gallery for the Rare Books Unit.

Image Contact Sheet + Description of a book created during Urban Books : Imag(in)ing St. Louis [Fall 2012 course] to be used in an image gallery for the Rare Books Unit.

Image Contact Sheet + Description of a book created during Urban Books : Imag(in)ing St. Louis [Fall 2012 course] to be used in an image gallery for the Rare Books Unit.

Title Description - A book of matches in a zip-lock bag with photo-copied images of nature, and a New York Times article on the matchbook industry. This book/object makes a wry comment on the decay of U.S. cities in light of the L.A. riots. "A…

Title Description - The Urban Fauna Information Station is made up of a travelling trio of artists observing and logging all manner of metropolitan animal life, from the goose lamp illuminating an apartment window to a butterfly collection at a…

Facades_Venice teh jews and Europe.JPG


uptown saturday.jpg
Warner Bros., a prominent Hollywood production company, shaped how Uptown Saturday Night interacted with a mass, mostly white, audience, and therefore limited the movie’s ability to explore the racial themes and issues seen in other mostly…
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