
Browse Items (321 total)

Portrait of William H. Gass by G. Michaels

Portrait of William H. Gass by Marion Miller, 1995.

"Inside Trivia" review by FredericMorton of In the Heart of the Heart of the Country by William H. Gass, The New York Times Book Review

National Book Critics Circle Award for Habitations of the Word, 1985.

Letter from M.B. Ogle, Jr. to the members of the Purdue University philosophy department teaching staff, regarding Gass's lostOmensetter's Luckdraft. Gass later learned the draft had been stolen (along with an essay) by a colleague, who attempted to…

Invitation for the 9th Annual Rabbi Irving M. Levey Lecture: William H. Gass presenting "Carrots, Noses, Snow, Rose, Roses: The Ontological Transformation of Language and Literature." Also published in The Journal of Philosophy, Nov. 7, 1976. An…

“The Cost of Everything” from The Tunnel, Purdue Readers production directed by Jeré Veilleux.

Program for a "Teach-In on 'The Concept of Freedom,'" at Purdue University, Indianapolis Campus. Includes a lecture by William H. Gass, "Free and Un-Free Freedom."

Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award from Purdue University for William Howard Gass for his signal and effective performance in the instruction of undergraduate students.

Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalistic Society Best Teacher Award, 1967-1968.
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