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Photograph William H. Gass teaching at Washington University.

Portrait of William H. Gass by R.A. Weld during World War II.

Selected draft fragments of the essay, "The Artist and Society,"first published inThe New Republic, July 17, 1968, reprinted inThe Purdue AlumnusandThe Penguin Book of Essay,and collected inFiction and the Figures of Life.

Gass lecture titled "Beginnings," delivered in Graham Chapel at Washington University in St. Louis, the first in the Assembly Series for the 1976-77 academic year.

Masquerade” and Other Stories Robert Walser. Translated by Susan Bernofsky andforeward by William H. Gass. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1990

"A Temple of Texts Exhibition Catalogue Suggestions for Additional Illustrative Materials"

A Temple of Texts typescript with annotations and corrections by William Gass.

Dust jacket of The Forgotten Forest, photographs by Michael Eastman and foreword by William H. Gass, New York: Witkin Gallery, 1992

"William Gass" by Dorothea Wolfgram, Washington University Magazine, Volume 44, Number 2 (Winter 1974)

A postcard invitation to a celebration of River Styx's 21st anniversary at Duff's Restaurant.


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