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Title Description - Each page of this beautifully designed and produced book moves the reader slowly and mysteriously through an image of an empty hanging dress into a similarly ghostly building and then out through the back of the dress. The text,…

Title Description - This book is the second in a series entitled Camerawalks whose mission is to encourage a closer reading/walking of the built environment. Drawing upon a range of references, disciplines, and histories of social description, Tim…

Title Description - The goal of this project was to draw attention to a burgeoning, and increasingly influential, sector of the St. Louis art world -- public art. Because public art isn't restrained by conventional methods of display (gallery and…

Title Description - At the invitation of the Public Art Fund, Mark Dion created The Urban Wildlife Observation Unit, a small work station in Madison Square Park, in which he conducted research on his surroundings from July 11 - October 31, 2002. A…

Title Description - Documents vegetation of traffic islands in urban settings. 29 June 2009 (printedmatter.org). Catalog record.

Title Description - In 2001 Laurie Palmer sent out an open request for proposals to transform an unused patch of public land set aside by the city of Chicago in 1987 as a future park dedicated to Haitian-French trader Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable,…
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