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The New Fiction: Interviews with Innovative American Writers prospectus and book order form, 1975.

Published version of “William Gass” interview by Jan Garden Castro forBomb, Number 51, Spring 1995

"Pole Vaulting in Top Hats: A Public Conversation with John Barth, William Gass, and Ishmael Reed," University of North Dakota, Spirit of Place: 6th Annual UND Writers Conference. Also includes a typed letter signed from James McKensize to William H.…

An excerpt of William H. Gass and John Gardner discussion at a fiction festival at the University of Cincinnati, published inThe New York Times Magazine, July 8, 1979

"Interview with William H. Gass" by William Heath, The Kenyon College Alumni Bulletin. Includes typed letter signed from William Heath to William H. Gass, April 11, 1968.

"An Interview with William Gass" by Jan Garden Castro, ADE Bulletin, Number 70 (Winter 1981)

"A Conversation with Stanley Elkin and William H. Gass," by Jeffrey L. Duncan, The Iowa Review, Volume 7, Number 1 (Winter 1976).

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