
Browse Items (28 total)

Title Description - This book documents an exhaustive study of seven potholes in a very small section of Saint Louis.

Title Description - A visual comparison between the destruction wrought upon a single leaf by squash-bugs and the environmental destruction wrought by unchecked urban development in St. Louis.

Physical Description - In paper wrappers; accordion-fold format (flutterbook).

Physical Description - In stiff paper wrappers; accordion-fold format (flutter book).

Title Description - Without words and with one slow pan, this book of photographs portrays a whole world. Starting inside, with a shot of a young woman absorbed in her reading and the music on her headphones, the view moves outward into the streets,…

Title Description - A small, simple book in which the narrator relates her experience with suburban factories and why "factories make good playgrounds." 29 June 2009 (printedmatter.org). Catalog record.

Title Description - Charcoal drawings of walls in Belin after the adjacent building has been torn down. This book is part of a small edition of drawing books called Oscar Vega, based in Berlin, and Paris. 29 June 2009 (printedmatter.org). Catalog…
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