
Browse Items (52 total)

Physical Description - Typical Case-Board Book, french-fold book. Butter board cover, coated printing paper Catalog record.

Title Description - This book originates from the artist's "Stadium" installation and provides a dialectic overview on contemporary and cultural phenomena related to mass events. The artist shows the history of spectacle in a series of media photo…

Title Description - A visual comparison between the destruction wrought upon a single leaf by squash-bugs and the environmental destruction wrought by unchecked urban development in St. Louis.

Title Description - In these square black and white photographs of the Svit plant in Zlín, Veronika Zapletalová shows the formalist architecture of the industrial building under attack by its own ventilation system. The pipes and ducts…

Physical Description - Double-sided printed pages / perfect binding. Cardstock, Matte Board, Cheesecloth, Glue, Yellow Fabric Catalog record.


Title Description - A look at signage along Gravois road from Downtown St. Louis into the suburbs
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