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Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, May 14, 1956. Bishop thanks Gardner for her letter and tells her that she and other poets in Rio will be featured in a Brazilian newsreel about poets. Bishop is unsure if Gardner received her last letter where she…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, February 26, 1957. Bishop informs Gardner that she will be in New York in a few weeks and she hopes to see Gardner. She leaves her contact information. She will also be traveling to Boston and leaves contact information…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, April 11, 1957. Bishop informs Gardner that she just moved to New York. She just read Gardner's letter and is pleased to know that Gardner will be in town soon. Bishop would like to have lunch with her. Bishop says that…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, May 1, 1957. Bishop thanks Gardner for the white azalea that Gardner gave her. Bishop enjoyed the lunch and the party that she had with Gardner. Bishop admits that she is shy. She tells Gardner not to worry about her…

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, August 10, 1957. Bishop writes to Gardner to tell her that she and her friends spent the day at the location on the front of the post card (Great Beach, Roque Island, ME.). They went on a boat ride, they…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, December 9, 1957. Bishop tells Gardner that her name "Bella" reminds her of an old song that Bishop's grandfather used to sing to her. She meant to write to Gardner about her poem in the September issue of "Poetry" , but…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, December 19, 1957. Bishop congratulates Gardner on her marriage to Allen Tate. She invites them down to South America for their honeymoon. Bishop offers to show Gardner some sights in Rio. Bishop is glad to hear that…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, December 31, 1960. Bishop thanks Gardner for the card that she sent. Bishop asks Gardner when will she and Allen be coming to South America. She tells Gardner that she and Lota will be going to Italy for about 4 or 5…

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, January 25, 1965. Bishop addresses the post card to Allen and Gardner. She thanks both of them for the Christmas card they sent. Bishop has been visiting "Barroque" churches and studying the interiors. She…

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, September 30, 1966. Bishop writes to Gardner to express sorrow for not writing sooner. Her teaching obligations prevented her from writing sooner. Bishop praises Gardner for "West of Childhood" and says…
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