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Catalog record.

Title Description - At the invitation of the Public Art Fund, Mark Dion created The Urban Wildlife Observation Unit, a small work station in Madison Square Park, in which he conducted research on his surroundings from July 11 - October 31, 2002. A…

Title Description - The goal of this project was to draw attention to a burgeoning, and increasingly influential, sector of the St. Louis art world -- public art. Because public art isn't restrained by conventional methods of display (gallery and…

Title Description - Produced during Sophie Tottie's residency at the DAAD Berliner Kunstler program in Berlin, Germany in 2000-2001, this book consists of more than 33 image series with integrated texts printed in four-color offset. The images are…

Title Description - A fundraising project of Peace Brigades International and DoubleTake Magazine, this little book collects forty photographs of de facto World Trade Center memorials – signs from New York City businesses that incorporated the…

Title Description - Future City documents the tangible remains of Future City, Illinois, a post-apocalyptic little hamlet situated at the southernmost tip of Illinois, between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. The erstwhile houses of Broadway, First,…

Title Description - 'Greater Los Angeles' draws a picture of the LA county by using hundreds of snap shot pictures, interviews with people met accidentally by the authors and short reports by themselves. On more that 600 pages the book shows 80…
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