
Browse Items (25 total)

Invitation for the 9th Annual Rabbi Irving M. Levey Lecture: William H. Gass presenting "Carrots, Noses, Snow, Rose, Roses: The Ontological Transformation of Language and Literature." Also published in The Journal of Philosophy, Nov. 7, 1976. An…

“The Cost of Everything” from The Tunnel, Purdue Readers production directed by Jeré Veilleux.

Program for a "Teach-In on 'The Concept of Freedom,'" at Purdue University, Indianapolis Campus. Includes a lecture by William H. Gass, "Free and Un-Free Freedom."

Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalistic Society Best Teacher Award, 1967-1968.

The Students of Purdue University Best Teacher in the School of Humanities award, May 1968

Broadside advertising a "River Styx at Duff's" event, including a fiction reading by William Gass.

The Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis 23rd Annual Freud Memorial Lecture delivered by William H. Gass who discussed "The Soul Inside the Sentence," April 13, 1976.

U.S.S. Pasadena wallet card souvenir issued to Ensign William H. Gass, U.S.N.R., showing he was present in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945 at the signing of surrender terms of the Allied Nations by the Japanese.

Program for the graduation exercises of the 21st class U.S. Naval Reserve Midschipmen's School.

Announcement of a lecture by Gass, "The Eye is the First Circle," as part of The Solomon Katz Distinguished Lectures in the Humanities Series, at The University of Washington.
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