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Physical Description - The book is accordion bound using high quality paper and printed on a high quality laser jet. Catalog record.

Physical Description - Size approx. 8x10x1/2. Binding is a modified accordion printed on heavy artists paper on an Epson 1280 Inkjet printer. Catalog record.

Title Description - How does Templin propose to ease the rigidity of an overbuilt megolopolis? Just add water. In Three Feet Six Inches Deep, Templin ponders the outdoor urban pool as the light blue "negative architecture" needed to ground a…

Catalog record.

Catalog record.

Physical Description - Typical Case-Board Book, french-fold book. Butter board cover, coated printing paper Catalog record.

Title Description - Produced during Sophie Tottie's residency at the DAAD Berliner Kunstler program in Berlin, Germany in 2000-2001, this book consists of more than 33 image series with integrated texts printed in four-color offset. The images are…

Title Description - Behind the bright safety-orange covers of this book you will find hand-drawn maps of LA made by strangers approached by the author at the Los Angeles Airport (LAX). Everyone has his or her own idea of what LA is, and this book…

Physical Description - Rolodex, White Acrylic Paint, Cardstock, each page individually cut (including the holes attaching them to Rolodex) and printed in ink jet printer. Catalog record.
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