
Browse Items (205 total)

Physical Description - Rolodex, White Acrylic Paint, Cardstock, each page individually cut (including the holes attaching them to Rolodex) and printed in ink jet printer. Catalog record.

Physical Description - Book is printed on illustration weight paper using an inkjet printer. Pages are printed full spread and bound using double-sided tape between each spread. Catalog record.

Title Description - [v. 1]. Conservation areas : key, retain investment -- [v. 2]. Redevelopment areas : key, concentrated private investment -- [v. 3]. Depletion areas : key, no growth policy.

Title Description - In this photographic amble down the winter streets of New York and Long Island the artist brings our attention to the city-dweller's chilly ritual of discarding the Christmas tree in the gutter. Straightforward and a little sad.…

Title Description - In these square black and white photographs of the Svit plant in Zlín, Veronika Zapletalová shows the formalist architecture of the industrial building under attack by its own ventilation system. The pipes and ducts…

Physical Description - In paper wrappers; exposed long-stitch binding.

Title Description - Shadow Architecture at the Crossroads Annual 19X describes one year of life and news at the Crossroads, a city at the center of a vast continental railway system. The Annual is constructed like a mosaic composed of hundreds of…

Physical Description - In stiff illustrated paper wrappers; accordion-fold format (flutter book).
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