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Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, December 10, 1966. Bishop updates Gardner on her new address - she has been moving around alot and grows tired of it. She tells her that she bought another house, but expresses regret because she really doesn't need it.…

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, May 31, 1969. Bishop has returned from a trip and hopes to move into her house in a week or month. She would like for Gardner to visit her in South America one day. Bishop hopes that Gardner has a good…

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, August 8, 1969. Bishop thanks Gardner for her letter and is glad that Gardner likes Ireland. She then explains who the woman is that is pictured on the front of the post card. She tells Gardner that the…

Post card from Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, May 21, 1970. Bishop tells Gardner that the photo on the front of the post card is of Dona Olympia, a local resident. Bishop came across an anthology with Gardner that included her photograph - which…

Elizabeth Bishop to Gardner, January 11, 1971. Bishop thanks Gardner for her Christmas card. She would like to see Gardner before she leaves the USA at the end of the month. Bishop is sorry that Gardner sounds unhappy and she hopes that in the new…

Elizabeth Bishop to May Swenson, October 3, 1963. Bishop tells Swenson that both she and Lota had bouts of illness recently. Bishop went to a hospital to recuperate and she sent some of the information given to her from the hospital on a card. …

Elizabeth Bishop to May Swenson, October 12, 1963. Bishop mentions Swenson sending her the original review from the New York Times. She also gives Swenson more history and information about the birds, Bicos de Lacre, that Swenson was so impressed…

Elizabeth Bishop to May Swenson, November 11, 1963. Bishop explains the meaning of the name of the birds that Swenson has asked about. Bicos de Lacre means "laquer beaks" or "sealing wax beaks". Bishop will be sending a gift to Swenson, possibly…

Elizabeth Bishop to May Swenson, March 9, 1964. Bishop complains to Swenson about the Brazilian Post Office neglecting to deliver her mail and to send out her mail to others. Sometimes she gets her mail and sometimes she does not. She thanks…

Elizabeth Bishop to May Swenson, July 5, 1965. Bishops responds to Swenson's poem about the Bicos de Lacre. She suggests to Swenson some minor changes that she can make to the poem before submitting it to the New Yorker.
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