Ospizio de Tommasi

Ospizio Tommasi was founded on November 10, 1456 by Peter de Tommasi, and was located between Piscina di Frezzeria and Calle del Carro.

The hospice was home to 12 poor widows. The house was restricted to single women without children or women whose children lived elsewhere. Additional requirements were placed on the women, including modest dress, regular prayer for the deceased, and if they worked their work had to be honest and pure.

However strict the rules, they were not always followed. In 1763 several letters were received protesting the behavior of the widows. On March 8, 1763 a note was delivered to the Tommasi indicating failure to meet requirements of guest limitations, finding that there were up to 31 women and children living in the home. Ultimately the hospice was closed in 1925.