Ospizio Foscolo

Hospice Foscolo, situated on Fondamenta Sant'Anna near the historic parish church of S. Pietro, today known at San. Francesco di Paola, was established on October 6, 1418 by Laura Foscolo. The institution was established as part of the the Congregation of Carità.

The hospice was home to 16 widows, 12 on the ground floor and 4 on the upper floor. Widows paid a one-time fee to establish residence and assist with the maintenance of the home. In 1899, the Congregation of the Carità bought the home, in its failing state, for its spacious courtyard. The intention was to extend the hospice in an effort to serve and benefit a greater number of individuals in need within the city district. Unfortunately, the institution’s vision never came to fruition. Today, the building is home to six cottages.